MARGULIES, LEO (ed.): The Ghoul Keepers

Margulies, Leo. (ed.). The Ghoul Keepers. New York, NY published by Pyramid Books, July 1965.
Small octavo, 157 pp., pictorial wrappers. Second printing.
Pyramid Books R-1210.
Good luster to wrappers, very light shelf wear to wrappers, light wear to edges and corners.
Light browning to interior covers, light age toning to text block.
Overall a sharp copy in unread, like new condition: Fine.

Introduction by Leo Margulies
The Sorcerer's Apprentice by Robert Bloch
The Martian and the Moron by Theodore Sturgeon
The Isle of the Sleeper by Edmond Hamilton
Please Go 'Way and Let Me Sleep by Helen Weinbaum
The Lake by Ray Bradbury
The Witch in the Fog by Harry Altshuler
When the Night Wind Howls by L. Sprague de Camp and Fletcher Pratt
Clair de Lune by Seabury Quinn
Spawn of Dagon by Henry Kuttner
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